Self Care Weekend-Finale

Humor my ego as I walk you through my last 24 hours in NYC. I should note for those of you who don’t know me personally, I loved living in Manhattan for 5 years in my 20s. Best years of my life. I love this city. My heart beats to its pulse. I took most of…

No Sleep Till Brooklyn

A quick visual update from the BK: When I arrived at my friend Gina’s home, she had NY pizza waiting for me. I dominated. The way I do the math, an entire NYC pizza is equivalent to 1.5 slices of chicago style pizza. Ain’t no shame in my game.  This little gem is named Charlie….

Self Care Vacay Part I

Come along with me for my ‘self-care’ weekend vacay, my friends! What will follow over the next few days will be shorter, more concise blogs about the whereabouts and adventures of the Grance. We started out with the mailman dropping off my Entertainment Weekly and New York Mag 3 minutes before my Uber arrived. Win!!…

Diagnosis in Rewind

Last week I accompanied a very close friend to a follow-up diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound due to suspicious findings in her baseline mammogram. I am not going to bury the lede here, she is absolutely clear and healthy, thank god. She is the 80% that is totally clear after a suspicious finding. Amen. Now I…


Though it may not seem like it, due to my ‘openness’ in this blog, there are a few topics that I have wanted to write about, but haven’t felt entirely comfortable doing. Bad (or good?) news for you, I am not going to write about them today either. These topics all center around the female…

A Grancer Plea: #SaveACA

Do you want to guess how much my cancer care has cost since April 2016? I am going to let you mull that over for a while. I will reveal the answer by the end of this post. My husband works for a company that generously offers us a pretty comprehensive insurance plan. It is…

Cancer as Contrition

When this all started I was tested for the BRCA gene mutation, as well as 21 other known breast cancer gene mutations. I don’t carry any of them. Yeah? In some ways it is a major ‘yeah.’ I don’t have to preemptively have my ovaries removed, as I am not genetically predisposed to ovarian cancer….


I don’t think I would say that I am a girlie girl per se, but if I had to pick for myself butch or femme, I’d go femme. Femininity has been an ongoing issue throughout treatment. Within a month of diagnosis, my breasts were in a medical waste bin. Two months later, I was bald….