Highway To The Danger Zone

Within the last 12 hours a whole bunch of shitbag things have happened. That rash I mentioned yesterday started to itch around bedtime. I’m talking, threat-level red, itching. 6 hours, 3 benadryl, 1 muscle relaxer and 1 anti-anxiety drug (all sedatives) later, I am still wide awake. I had goldilock-ed my way around the house….


Since diagnosis I have been told that I am brave what feels like hundreds of times. I accept the compliment, but on a day when we celebrate all of the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom, the adjective falls flat in relationship to my cancer.  Let’s look at the definition; …

Tooth Hurty

Warning: this blog is not going to be uplifting. If you are in the mood for that, go Pinterest puppies in baskets or something. Within the last 24 hours, I’ve cried at the dinner table, been misty eyed in my recliner, wept in the shower and had a root canal. This feels real now. I…

Somewhere Over The Drainbow

I have never been a good sleeper. It takes me a long time to fall asleep. I am restless and since having children, I get night sweats, which I’m pretty sure is my body’s way of saying, “Gurl, you don’t need to actually exercise, we be sweatin’ right now while you asleep!”. (Worth noting, my…

Um, Exsqueeze me?

I awoke rather joyless this morning. Sore, restless and cranky. I actually felt a wee bit sick, which I haven’t at all for months. The shiny newness of my recovery period, filled with well wishes and around the clock narcotics, has dulled to a mundane routine anchored mostly by Advil. It was such a beautiful…


One of the first things the surgeon will do in a mastectomy is to take out a couple of lymph nodes from your armpit. These are sent immediately to the lab and analyzed so that if there is cancer present, the surgeon can go back in and take out the rest of the nodes. During…

This Rolling Pin is My Bitch

The little things seem to be the hardest in terms of pain. Granted, I’m not attempting to move furniture or anything so it’s not like the bar is set very high. But now that my entire upper half has been hacked into and put back together, I am very aware of how often we use…

Short, Sweet & Highly Medicinal

In the life of a cancer patient there are so many dismal things you could focus on. Ugh these drains, ouch I’m so sore, Blargh I cannot get comfortable.  But not this cancer patient! Here is a glimpse into my life at this moment: Sweet Mandy B’s sugar cookies cut into perfect bite sized pieces,…

Yeah, nope.

Here is what I am capable of doing this morning; watching a TV show called Dogs 101, and drinking tea. I slept well in my lounger and only got up to use the loo once and to take my pills. Waking up today, though, was no bueno. It’s like just when I think I am…

Blame It On The Drains

I was right. Waking up feeling like a million bucks, then taking a highly medicated nap and waking up an invalid was pretty brutal. Here is what I remember: Being wheeled into the OR filled with good-looking people and lots of lights. Waking up in recovery to an awesome nurse named EJ who I spent…

Yes, I brought a stuffed bunny

I’m baaaacckkkk! Can’t write much ’cause I’m on lot of drugs and this iPhone screen seems to be moving around and splitting into two every few seconds. Well, it happened. I had a bilateral mastectomy. My surgical team was straight out of Grey’s Anatomy. McHunky the anesthesiologist, McGorgeous the breast surgeon and McSuave for plastics….