
It has been a while since I complained, and I am basically spilling over with contempt, so buckle up buttercups. Let’s start with the elephant in the room. Chemo. I have been getting chemotherapy for just over 20 weeks at this point. The staff at the cancer center all know me and when I don’t…

Grace+Cancer+Covid = Grancvid

Pop. Six. Squish. I can hear Velma Kelly singing “she had it coming.” Well folks, I finally got Covid. I had a good run. 2.5 years of evading the enemy. 18 of those months were spent in an elementary school surrounded by the germiest of the germies, grade school kids, and I still never got…

The Good Place

I think we can all agree that things have been pretty bleak in our world recently. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, Uvalde, the oncoming attack on women’s reproductive rights and so much more make for a depressing nonstop news cycle. I do my best to separate myself from these large and looming issues, as I…