The Privilege of Disease

The cliché: You only live once. We hear it all the time. Mindlessly in one ear, out the other. Maybe you are thinking about whether or not to splurge on a piece of furniture. Perhaps contemplating taking a hooky day from work. But what if you really stopped to think about this concept? Stop. Think….


I can’t really explain it. I have ideas for blog posts often, but most of the time they sort of float around my consciousness like wayward balloons and, eventually, float away. Every once in a while a thought will appear and it feels urgent. Like I can’t open my laptop fast enough to start writing….

Gratefulness From the Afflicted

Top Ten Things to Be Grateful For From The Perspective of a Chronically Ill Person *Disclaimer: Cancer, even when considered curable, is a chronic disease. I am considered No Evidence of Disease (NED), which is as close to cured as a cancery person will ever be. That being said, I have now had the same…


Going to keep this succinct ’cause A) I’m exhausted B) I’m on drugs and C) I can’t sit up to type on the computer, so I’m writing this on my phone. I wasn’t nervous before surgery until the anesthesiologist came in. He talked about the intubation tube that would be down my throat to keep…

The Audacity

Well, it has been a while since I have taken pen to paper (fingies to keys). I have thought about writing a million times, but found myself thinking, but I have already said this when I had cancer the last time. When you zoom out, the overarching feelings of each cancer odyssey are very similar….

The Update

I realize it has been a while since I posted an update. Silence doesn’t mean much in Grancertown, it merely means I have lacked inspiration to write anything. But I do have some updates to share. In the weeks since chemo ended I have waited for my body to make some kind of miraculous change…


Greetings and welcome to the Chemotherapy Graduating Class of July 21, 2022 (me, I am talking to just me). What an odyssey we have been through to get to this day, the day we look chemo in the eye and wave a hearty goodbye. It is important to take a look back at where we…

The Anti-Psychotic

These days it is becoming harder to distinguish between feeling exhausted and feeling depressed. The truth is I am probably both, and one is feeding into the other like the chicken and the egg. I was re-diagnosed in December of 2021. This incarnation of my disease has spanned 2 years and 3 seasons and I…


It has been a while since I complained, and I am basically spilling over with contempt, so buckle up buttercups. Let’s start with the elephant in the room. Chemo. I have been getting chemotherapy for just over 20 weeks at this point. The staff at the cancer center all know me and when I don’t…

Grace+Cancer+Covid = Grancvid

Pop. Six. Squish. I can hear Velma Kelly singing “she had it coming.” Well folks, I finally got Covid. I had a good run. 2.5 years of evading the enemy. 18 of those months were spent in an elementary school surrounded by the germiest of the germies, grade school kids, and I still never got…

The Good Place

I think we can all agree that things have been pretty bleak in our world recently. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, Uvalde, the oncoming attack on women’s reproductive rights and so much more make for a depressing nonstop news cycle. I do my best to separate myself from these large and looming issues, as I…


Living in Cancertown brings with it some of the oddest realities. The way you existed and understood everyday life is blown to smithereens. What is up is now down, what is red is blue. No one really ever talks about these changes. You are expected to encounter them and simply get on board. Example 1:…